Learn about Retracing

It took time for your condition to change from a healthy state into a state of discomfort and disease. In the same way, it often takes time to retrace from discomfort back to full health.

When a patient is under upper cervical care, sometimes symptoms that have not manifested for months or even years will reoccur. A patient’s first impression may be that they are getting worse, when in actuality they are simply experiencing a retracing of stages through which the disease progressed.

Response time varies.

The time it takes for recovery does not always equate to the time it took for the disease to develop. As a general rule, however, acute diseases respond rapidly, while chronic cases of long standing are slower to respond.

Especially when an abnormality or condition involves tissues, the structures must retrace the steps through which they passed before they can return to normalcy. Evidence of this can be seen in the varying stages of skin eruptions as they heal. 

What do upper cervical doctors do?

Upper cervical doctors of chiropractic are thoroughly trained to detect and restore abnormal positions of the vertebrae in the spine. After one upper cervical correction, the vertebra is returned toward its normal position.

However, several adjustments may be necessary before the correction is complete, because muscles and ligaments take time to regain their normal tone which permits them to hold the vertebra in a more normal state.

Points to Remember...

Under the strain of every day life, the spine may recede toward its old, abnormal position, necessitating another correction.

Tissues often must be rebuilt in order for the vertebra to hold properly. In addition, tissues that have assumed an abnormal condition due to gradually-increasing pressure on the nerve fibers, must be given time to return through the various stages they passed in the production of the abnormality.

Retracing: Cycles of Repair

When the spine is aligned, the nervous system can function free of interference and the brain can receive proper blood supply.

It’s important for patients to continue with upper cervical care, even if they don’t immediately see their body moving toward health, or when they believe their condition may be worsening. A period of retracing is essential, and must be pressed through in order to reach optimal health.

If you currently suffer from a health condition, an upper cervical doctor will strive to correct its cause. If you are symptom-free, Upper Cervical care is one of the best ways for you to stay healthy.