Most FM patients suffer with chronic pain, stiffness and burning in the neck, shoulders, lower back and hips. Others experience depression, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, numbness, dizziness, headaches or sleeping disorders. Even minor exertion can aggravate the pain and increase fatigue.
Although the cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood, studies and clinical trials show that FM often develops after traumatic neck injuries. In fact, nearly 70% of fibromyalgia patients relate the start of their symptoms to a specific injury to their neck. These injuries can be caused by car accidents, sports, work, falls, or even birth trauma.
Sufferers of fibromyalgia usually try the most common medical treatments – pain killers, muscle relaxants, antidepressant drugs, sleeping pills, corticosteroid injections and, in extreme cases, surgery. Unfortunately, the Physician’s Desk Reference reveals that drugs used to treat fibromyalgia can have dangerous side-effects.
Upper Cervical care is based on the universal law of cause and effect. For every effect or symptom, physical or mental, there must be a cause.
Upper Cervical doctors recognize that the body is a self-healing organism, controlled and coordinated by the central nervous system, which is protected by the skull and spine.
Using a gentle technique, Upper Cervical doctors locate and remove interference to the nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself naturally without drugs or surgery.
If the first two bones in your neck are misaligned, communication between the brain and body is interrupted and can cause numerous health problems.
Misalignments in the upper cervical spine (neck) can affect the function of the brainstem, which can be a critical factor in the development of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Clinical trials and case studies document the improvement fibromyalgia patients are making under Upper Cervical care.