Whiplash & Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Whiplash injuries can have a similar effect as concussions. Initially thought to be just a minor soft tissue injury, it has now been shown that for many people the real damage may not show up for decades after the initial trauma. Some people may be sore for a few days or weeks after experiencing a whiplash injury and then feel as though they’ve completely recovered. 

Common Medical Treatments

Patients who are treated through more traditional channels are frequently prescribed medications and may undergo some physical therapy. If these treatments fail, the patient may be sent to a pain clinic for a series of injections to manage the pain. Unfortunately, surgery is often their last resort.

How your injury is treated can determine whether you heal properly or risk a life-long disability.

In reality, none of the traditional treatments actually correct the most critical component of whiplash which is a condition called the Atlas Subluxation Complex. This condition occurs when one or both of the upper cervical vertebrae (top two bones in the upper neck) become misaligned and cause both neurological and musculoskeletal damage. This condition is most commonly detected through a thorough examination by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor.

Can an Upper Cervical Correction Help?

The most common misconception about Upper Cervical care is that it only helps back and neck pain.

Upper Cervical care is based on the universal law of cause and effect. For every effect or symptom, physical or mental, there must be a cause.

Upper Cervical doctors recognize that the body is a self-healing organism, controlled and coordinated by the central nervous system, which is protected by the skull and spine.

Using a gentle technique, Upper Cervical doctors locate and remove interference to the nervous system, allowing the body to heal itself naturally without drugs or surgery.

Align Your Spine!

If the first two bones in your neck are misaligned, communication between the brain and body is interrupted and can cause numerous health problems.

Mild trauma, such as whiplash, can cause an atlas subluxation (neck misalignment) that will often go undetected to the untrained eye. It is this type of injury that can lead to years of unnecessary pain and suffering. 

If you, or anyone you know has had a whiplash-type injury, do yourself and your family a favor and get checked by an Upper Cervical Chiropractor today!